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Why decide to go with

Professional, Individualized Training

There are so many reason why you might seek the help of a professional trainer to work with your dog and your family.  Let's take a look at a few reasons why we train our dogs on an individual basis and don't rely on group classes or struggling through at home, self training. 

Behavior Problems

Behavioral issues in dogs can take many forms and be caused by a varieties of things. From natural issues with a dog's temperament to issues caused by a traumatic event, we have solutions to help shape your dog into the best they can be. We help to teach them patience and basic commands so you're able to handle them safely, confidently, and easily out in public. Over time we instill self control and self confidence in your dog that will help you, too! Once we identify what your dog needs, we're able to alleviate many of these stressors and it allows your dog to be a more happy, stress free dog. Every dog is an individual, so we treat them as such. Something that might be a great solution for a dog one day, could need adjustment the next. So, here at Inline K-9, we always keep an open mind and open heart. 


Dogs & Children

Adding a new member to the family is always exciting but can also bring some difficulties. Whether it's bringing home a new baby, having a puppy join your family, or to ensure any new addition will co-exist with your current family, we really take pride in handling things on a case by case basis and not using a one size fits all approach.  We start with a free evaluation where we sit down with you, discover your needs and expectations, and observe the current family dynamic. We will go over all of the different training options and give our recommendations on how to best achieve your goals. Whatever your situation might be, we want you to get the results you want and to accomplish this in a way that is safe for everyone. 


Aggression in dogs can come in many forms and levels. Here at Inline K-9 we address these different issues on a case by case basis treating every dog like the individual they are. Aggression and reactiveness can often come from fear. So with some dogs, it is actually a case of building confidence while teaching rules and expectations. Much of this comes from giving guidance in a way the dog not only understands but respects as well. We work to train each dog based on the underlying causes for the issues that present themselves.  Sometimes it can be fear, natural instinct, or simply to show dominance. Once they learn more control and confidence, you will begin to see your dog change, and you along with them to create the best version of your pup.  

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